What is being done? What can I do?

Donate money to one of the multinational corporations around the western world who are working hard to produce arms for fighting wars. By doing this you will help them give the children the guns they need to participate in armed combat. The military industrial complex need your help just as much as the children do.

Tell the UN to encourage wars in developing countries. War is the most effective way to boost an economy. By encouraging constant fighting, you will help developing countries lift their citizens out of famine and poverty, into a free, democratic, consumerist society like our own.

Spread the word! let your friends and neighbors know that helping promote the use of child soldiers is the right thing for humanity.

Help start a program in a local school where children can earn extra credit for school by participating in armed combat. Or, organize a field trip for local kids to boot camp. It's be an experience they'll never forget...



In addition to the things you can do yourself, there are several worldwide programs to further the use of children soldiers:


Guns for Kids is a program to make sure that all children, of all ages, in all countries, have the opportunity to join the army. We are working to gather and distribute high-powered, lightweight automatic weapons to 3rd world children.

We work closely with the Military Industrial Complex, helping them make sure they have the tax dollars and donations necessary to continue the production of arms.

One of our most successful programs has been a joint venture with Mattel® (a multinational toy manufacturing corporation) in sponsoring the manufacture of Gi-Joe® and Barbie® branded automatic weapons. Kids love it, Governments love it, and Mattel® loves the free publicity. Progress is also being made, thanks to our help, on smaller, lighter weaponry aimed at the toddler market, complete with fun shapes and colors!


The Children's Crusade 2000 is a program to let the privileged children of the western world do their part too. Although children in the west have many more opportunities than children in developing countries, this does not mean that they cannot be an active force in humanitarian aid.

Instead of joining a local youth program such as the Boy or Girl Scouts, a soccer team, or summer camp, your children can now join an impoverished nation's army and go to war!

This program not only helps both the young volunteers and the 3rd world countries, but also helps promote cooperation amongst nations and deepens cultural understanding.

For us every child is a potential soldier.


Gren-aid is a series of fundraising concerts to be held this summer. Proceeds will be donated to the Guns for Kids program.


The Guns not Dope program works to rehabilitate inner city ghetto kids; and get them off drugs, out of gangs and onto the battle field.


Bullets from Home Let's you sponsor a special young soldier who needs it the most.

With an initial donation of just $99.95, your sponsor child will receive all the required gear for his or her first night on the front. Then, your daily donation of just $.95 will keep them there.

[sample letter]



A happy young soldier
In Afghanistan, the series of long wars has given thousands of children the opportunity to learn valuable lessons and practical skills by participating in armed combat.